When you purchase this package of electronic products, you are also purchasing the right to share these files with the athletes and parents on your team (limit one team or school). You can add hard copies with the product options above.
Leadership Training for Softball (delivered instantly as a .pdf file)
An Elite Athlete's Manual for Training Mental Skills (.pdf)
A Coaching Manual for Mental Skills Training (.pdf)
Elite Athlete Audios #1-9 (delivered instantly as .mp3 files)
Elite Athlete Audios #10-18 (.mp3 files)
Relaxation and Imagery Script for a Hitter (.mp3 files)
Relaxation and Imagery Script for a Pitcher (.mp3 files)
Parenting in Athletics CD (.mp3 files)
These products will be delivered to your computer instantly. A purchase of the Complete Mental Game Plan is the only purchase in our store that includes rights to share these products with your team!

Contact with any questions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 214-264-4373